On Call Billing

For billing 2nd on call, use the special H codes (above) with A codes.
A007 is for the usual intermediate assessment.
A003 is for a comprehensive assessment (SOB, page A16).

You can also bill a travel premium – one per trip to the ED for the first patient only.

After you’ve seen the max # of pts, then use regular ED H codes (i.e. H133).

Note: When using the On Call codes H98x, if you do a procedure, use E409 / E410.
When using H1x3 codes (exceeded maximum # of pts), use E412 / E413.

Example for being called in on a weekday evening:

For the file name or paper report:

  1. If you were called in for volume, replace the start time with “call” or “oncall” and the # of hours. We don’t need start & stop times.
    • Smith May 15 call 4
    • Smith May 15 oncall 4 hours
  2. If you came in early and are billing extra hours, use “extra”
    • Smith May 15 1700 extra 2
  3. If you covered a shift and bill on call codes, no need to add anything. Could put “covered”. Avoid “call” – you will get the shift stipend.
    • Smith May 15 2300
    • Smith May 15 2300 covered