MCHC Billing and Consulting

MCHC Billing and Consulting

Optimizing Billings for Ontario Emergency Doctors
Download Chart
Click on: Chart Review tabEncountersYour Pt visitPrinter icon click the arrow to change to “Microsoft Print to PDF” Click PrintSave in a folder of your choice, e.g., the “Downloads” folder Go onto desktop;email from your...
Admitted Patients
If the patient is part of your ED pts, then add admitted and the date to the end of the sticky note the backslash is optional, flags it h123  /admitted June 4 If the patient...
Core Services Our software is integrated with EPIC. Additional Services How MCHC Can Optimize your Bilings Michael and Vera are there for you any time that you need help.

Download Chart

Click on:

Chart Review tab
Your Pt visit
Printer icon

click the arrow to change to “Microsoft Print to PDF”

Click Print
Save in a folder of your choice, e.g., the “Downloads” folder

Go onto desktop;
email from your hospital email to our hospital email.
Delete file.
Go to recycle bin; delete file again.

Admitted Patients

If the patient is part of your ED pts, then add admitted and the date to the end of the sticky note

the backslash is optional, flags it

h123  /admitted June 4

If the patient is on the ward and not seen in the ED, you may need to type in a note to get the pt to show up.

Download a report from the library by typing in the number below. The report is called ‘Mike H ED Inpatients’

Run the report, it may be slow and may include all admitted patients for the past month.
If the patient doesn’t show up it may be because you did not write a note.

Find the pt, add a stickynote. ie g521 admitted June 3
An admit date is required.

Click on Re-Run report


For the filename use ie Smith June 8 admitted General


Core Services

Our software is integrated with EPIC.

Additional Services

How MCHC Can Optimize your Bilings

Michael and Vera are there for you any time that you need help.

Welcome to MCHC

We do your billings for you at a competitive rate, saving you time!

We are a regional leader in administering emergency doctor billings, on the cutting edge of recent trends.

Over the past 18 years, we have processed millions of dollars of emergency medicine billings in hospitals in Ontario, Canada.

We have also accompanied several emergency departments in their transitions to AFA and EPIC.

Whether you are a new doctor or whether you have experience with medical billings, we invite you to take a look at our resources for optimizing your billings.

Download Report

In EPIC, click on My Reports in the menu at the centre of the top of the screen.

In the search box that will appear just below this menu, enter a keyword to search for the report specific to your site. For the Emergency Dept type in 5263069 into the search box

Select Mike H Sept 2023 Download & Edit.
If you see the large version of the report, hover over the top right corner, click the star.
If you see the smaller version, click the star.
The report will now appear when you click ‘My Reports’

Downloading the report

There are five steps to download the report:

  1. First click the vertical 3 dots on the right side of the screen.
  2. Then click on ‘Export Results’.
  1. Single click on ‘This PC’:
  1. Then, double click on Local Disk (C:):
  1. Then, double click on ‘ED-Billing – Shortcut’ (arrow 1).

If you don’t see this folder, then expand the dialog box (arrow 2).

Type in the filename (arrow 3 above) -> Lastname Month Day Starttime Site
Click ‘Save’.

How to add billing codes to a patient in the report

Click on the patient. Add codes to the sticky note at the top right. Close the patient. Click Re-Run Report at the top right and the codes should appear.