Anesthesia Billing

For the time units, it is the time spent with the patient. If the patient is recovering for hours, and you are not in the room, then you cannot bill continuously for the time units. However, if you are going back to the room to reassess the patient, you can add that time to your total time units. Each time unit is 15 minutes, then the next unit begins.

If you were to bill anesthesia for a reduction at 20:00 for a distal radius fracture in a 6 year old for 20 minutes, then return 30 minutes later for 5 minutes, the total time would be 25 minutes, which is worth 2 units. Therefore the billing would be:

F046C 8 units (6 base, 2 time),
E019 2 units (anesthesia extra units for ages 1 – 8)
E400 10 units (after hours premium)

The number of units for E400 is the sum of the base, time & extra units.

Units are automatically calculated for the E codes, no need to add.
Add a C to the procedure code, OHIP suffix.

F046C x 8 E019C E400C
F046C x 7 E019 E400

E400 is for weekends and weekday evenings 17:00 – midnight
E401 is for weekends.

Please check the schedule of benefits to see if the procedure takes Anesthesia (Anae column).

For example, Z101 does not take anesthesia units; Z102 does.